It’s getting tougher and more expensive to protect sensitive information. Meeting business demands while navigating the ever-changing, complex threat and compliance landscapes burdens your limited resources.
Managed security service providers (MSSPs) help companies keep up with today’s constantly changing threat landscape, relieve stress and reduce expense by taking a systematic and strategic approach to identifying and protecting an organization from vulnerabilities.
Our fully customizable security pen testing engagements help to identify and address vulnerabilities and exposures across your infrastructure, applications, people and processes.
Experience a simulated cyber-attack on your business. With a coordinated Red Team Operation, we replicate modern adversarial techniques to test your resilience and response to a highly covert attack.
Caspian facilitates compliance in industry regulations to keep you – and your clientele’s – data safe and secure.
Detecting and responding to threats targeting your organization’s network security is a highly specialist- and resource-intensive process. To be truly effective, network security monitoring not only demands the latest technology to capture event data from your cloud and on-premise environments, it also requires expert personnel with the skills and availability to analyze and triage security incidents around-the-clock.
Compromising endpoints is a common tactic used by cybercriminals to establish a foothold on a network. Rapid detection and response to attacks targeting hosts such as desktops, laptops and servers should therefore be integral to your IT security.
We provide the essential support needed to overcome a cyber-breach. Our knowledgeable experts are skilled at mitigating the damaging effects of attacks, investigating how they propagate, and providing swift, clear remediation advice.
Caspian’s Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) service enables your organization to call upon a highly qualified and experienced security professional as and when required.